Political blog
Political blog data set from Olhede and Wolfe (2014), which is a pre-processed version of the original data set from Adamic and Glance (2005). The provided igraph object is the zero-degree removed and simplified graph from the edgelist polblog_edgelist
is an igraph object, which is pre-processed data symmetrize and simplified without self-loops.
The adjancency matrix from polblog_edgelist
is sparse, assymetric, so it needs to be symmetrized if a method requires a symmetric matrix. Nodes with zero degree need to be removed. All edges are considered as undirected edges. Then, we get the undirected version of dataset as polblog
First 586 blogs are liberal; remaining 638 are conservative.
Adamic, L. A., & Glance, N. (2005). The political blogosphere and the 2004 US election: divided they blog. In Proceedings of the 3rd international workshop on Link discovery (pp. 36-43)
#From polblog_edgelist to polblog
G<- igraph::graph_from_edgelist(as.matrix(polblog_edgelist), directed = FALSE)
G<- igraph::delete.vertices(G, igraph::degree(G) == 0)
G<- igraph::simplify(G)
#> IGRAPH c8f356f U--- 1224 16715 --
#> + edges from c8f356f:
#> [1] 1-- 2 1-- 19 1-- 21 1-- 48 1-- 57 1-- 72 1-- 97 1-- 127 1-- 156
#> [10] 1-- 193 1-- 204 1-- 205 1-- 254 1-- 287 1-- 341 1-- 377 1-- 390 1-- 446
#> [19] 1-- 451 1-- 498 1-- 499 1-- 501 1-- 518 1-- 909 1--1008 1--1178 2-- 16
#> [28] 2-- 22 2-- 26 2-- 46 2-- 48 2-- 84 2-- 119 2-- 126 2-- 127 2-- 131
#> [37] 2-- 141 2-- 147 2-- 166 2-- 191 2-- 198 2-- 254 2-- 261 2-- 284 2-- 304
#> [46] 2-- 306 2-- 339 2-- 352 2-- 373 2-- 377 2-- 387 2-- 428 2-- 429 2-- 440
#> [55] 2-- 442 2-- 443 2-- 444 2-- 448 2-- 487 2-- 498 2-- 499 2-- 501 2-- 507
#> [64] 2-- 514 2-- 518 2-- 522 2-- 537 2-- 584 2-- 586 2-- 909 3-- 405 3-- 562
#> [73] 3-- 563 3--1180 4-- 574 5-- 359 6-- 37 6-- 48 6-- 147 6-- 148 6-- 164
#> + ... omitted several edges